..and seen so much! But there are still so many things to do.."
Barack Obama´s victory speech in Chicago last night left tears in my eyes. Yes. This is an historic change. The historic map has been rewritten and changed tonight..
I visualize a tilt of the globe: Will the hatred of the Big-Brother-in-of-West diminish somewhat in the murky caves of Afganistan or Pakistan? Will the fear of terrorist attacks of Americans and their interests now slowly fade?
In this moment I close my eyes and see generations of black cotton picking slaves of centuries of humiliations along with our time´s endless spectra of racial discrimination. The deprivation of the right to vote, to ride a bus and sit where you pleased, to attend any school of your choice. Phenomenom so painfully recent. Will there now be new rays of hope for the poor in the South - black and white - and hopefully in the rest of an increasingly economically polarized America? I hope so.
I see people who let go a long time ago finally perhaps get something to believe in.
But I see - along with so many others - the danger of the immense expectations weighing heavily on the shoulders of this Messiaslike person - Barack Obama. Sometimes the Obama political meetings almost takes on a typical religious mass meeting US style. Just look at people eyes when they view him on the podium talking. Salvation is near..
I sincerely hope so.
Virginia was probably the most important state to gain for winning this election. Traditionally republican, it cast its democratic votes last night and the wind changed in this state and spread across America. And the scale tilted over turning the US map from red to blue..
When I was in Washington last month people there suspected this would happen - Washington D C is growing at an enormous rate and finding places to live is getting harder in this metropolitan area and its inhabitants (mostly democrates) are moving the short distance across the state line to settle down south in Virginia - thus resulting in the turning of its political color from red to blue last night..
BBC was first to publish his moving victory speech early this morning European time. Click on the link below and watch Americas first black president to be:
Obama´s victory speechPS Just read this hilarious reaction on a
blogg from California:
Obama...Plouf!They did it, my family jumped into the unheated pool with their clothes on at 9:30 pm California time! I made a video of the whole thing but I don't know how to post it. It was hilarious. They jumped in shouting OBAMA!, but as soon as they hit the water they scrambled back out screaming OBAMAAAHHHHH.