Early Sunday morning I took a walk with my camera. There were almost no colors. Not really cold - but misty..
Almost no sounds.
Almost no sounds.
..and I was counting the months to summer. February. Probably some more drifting snow and ice. March. Days are getting longer and the "light hungry" Swedes are rejoycing. April. The first signs of the early brave spring flowers show their little heads in the flowerbeds. May. Yess! Now we are talking! And June! Finally! The abundance of apple blossom and orchids! How we all long for summer in this northern part of the world! This photo is from June last year with the meadow in full bloom next to my house ..According to a sign posted right by my gate, the famous Swedish botanist Carl von Linné, the Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature, walked this very meadow to collect some of his many plants far back in the 1750s. Linné is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology.