onsdag 23 september 2009

With fall approaching..

 ..lots of preparations have to be made for the oncoming winter season..

Some of them rather more tedious and tiresome than others..

But you sure will enjoy them when the snow storms of January are raging. I have to put absorbent cotton wool between the window panes to stop humidity - in the old fashioned way.

And others a bit more fun and inspiring..
I found this big IKEA mirror on the community garbage dump when I was getting rid of old boxes and stuff the other day. I quickly threw it into the boot of the car and went home and cleaned it, and since I happened to have this pretty border at home and the proper paperhanger's paste...
This is the result! It turned out quite nicely, I think - and cost absolutely nothing!

And today I have bought a mulberry tree! I have now to find this little expensive
"Morus Nigra"   a proper spot in the garden facing south and well out of the persistent Gotland winds..