Not yet being quite acquainted with my garden after living here 1,5 years, I was surprised one morning to find the garden brimming with this old fashioned modest tulip with its pretty yellow petals with their red edges. They bear a striking resemblance to the yellow wild tulips in the nearby fields.
Wild strawberries or rather Woodland strawberries carry such pretty flowers!
Fragaria Vesca (Love these old fashioned school charts!)
Butterfly catching ..
..for studying and releasing.
The abundance of orchids on Gotland! They are of course protected species all over Sweden.
Cowslips and wood cranebills are found everywhere.
Wood cranebills and cow parsley in Nature´s own astonishing flower arrangement! This meadow is a true traffic stopper as a road runs nearby..
I have tried to make an account of all the different varieties of lilacs there are in the garden and lost track! Here are two kinds I picked yesterday whose sweet smell fill the entire house! I wish I could send a bouquet like this to all and everyone of you!