tisdag 12 oktober 2010


Make a wild guess..
.. who is the master of this lavish mansion?
No, no. It is not the Versailles!
No European Royal palace. At all.
Or an oil baron´s palace in Dubai.
No. Wrong again. Not a Hollywood set for a soap show on "From Rags to Riches"..
The Vinter Palace in St Petersburg? It definitely has a Tzarescan tuch!
The bath of the Maharadja of Jaipur?
The cosy TV-room of the King of Brunei?
No. No. Another continent. Quite unexpectedly.
Neighbours in the same city. Africa. Now you might guess--
I just wonder at what stage megalomania struck Mr. Mugabe, adress: Harare, Zimbabwe?
The President´s Palace in Harare. Anyone uninvited will be shot on even trying to approach it´s vast grounds. Or the very district. Been there. Seen the heavily armed guards..

This Mansion is in Harare and belongs to:

The President of Zimbabwe - Robert Mugabe -

While his people starve, they do not have food, and die because of no medical help . . . .

. . . He and his family live like this . . . his GREED kills his own people, again and again . . . .