måndag 13 april 2009


I see my garden transform..
..into spring. This 100-year old garden, attended to by so many loving hands over the years and I haven´t any idea of what is going to sprout from one day to another. I sometimes wonder just how many gardening "working hours" that have been laid down on these grounds. (And aching backs!) It is glorious to step out on the front porch in the nigtie every morning and see the early mist slowly disolving by the raising sun and listen to the sounds of all the spring birds greeting the new day..This morning the smell of hundreds of blue hyacinths were overhelming. It is all served to me on a plate!
The front lawn is right now covered by bright yellow lesser celandines..
My recent contribution has been to plant 2 hops by one of the entrances and 20 old fashioned rose plants -the Rosa Rubiosa - to form a bushy hedge against the church next door. The rich soil here is so easy to work - compared to the one on Sandhamn where I grew up with its hopelessly thin and sandy stratum of earth. And the back aching rather came from collecting kelp at the beach for composting to get a bit of humus for planting the following year..