söndag 13 december 2009

Guess who came for dinner? And strange bedfellows..

Sunday dinner at Lugnet, my sister and  brother-in-law´s welcoming farm.

Guess who she invited for dinner? Haven´t seen him for almost a year!

The thing was - he was drinking a bit too much where he was sitting at the end of the kitchen table and was not very talkative.

 After dinner, when I was driving the 800 meters to my neighbouring home, the first snow blew in from the west. It was almost a blizzard and at home, I put the car in the sheltering barn.
In going to bed, I was harassed by rats in the attic. They were having a party: "Grand Attic Seasonal (bring a friend) Opening", fixing up a warm shelter for the winter! Sounds just like they are about to make their way into the bedroom! I don´t  dislike rats - smart people they are, closely related to elephants, I have heard - (had a Japanese dancing mouse named Fifi as a child that I was quite fond of ) but maybe not in my house. Be they rats or elephants.
I banged the celing in a dopey "old-lady fashion" and asked them to shut-up! In fact tried to scare/silence them by making some akward: "Meows..meeeoooow" (Mjau, in Swedish) Did not help. I could just figure them laughing behind their paws.. (Rats have paws?? Clawpaws?)
Hmm. At least,I am happy no one saw or heard me!
(..and the tap dancing finally stopped around 2 am!)

(Rat: "Click on me!")
Well, night, night for now. 
Tomorrow I will wake up in the snow.
Ho,ho, ho.