..is kept away from Gaza. (Except from the so called "embedded" journalists who are allowed to travel with the Israeli troups and will thus deliver subejective reporting). However, there are still the blogs - the internet bloggers inside the Gaza strip who are making their angry and desparing voices heard to the outside world.
Eye witness - Oxfam Advocate blogs from inside Gaza:
"At least if I die, I will die with a little hope..This morning I heard people chanting outside, I wondered what it was, and then, the lights came on – the electricity had come back on, hurrah! I immediately turned on the television, charged my phone, checked emails. For a moment, I felt somewhat liberated. These things that we often take for granted have become so precious of late.. " More..
Eye witness - Oxfam Advocate blogs from inside Gaza:
"At least if I die, I will die with a little hope..This morning I heard people chanting outside, I wondered what it was, and then, the lights came on – the electricity had come back on, hurrah! I immediately turned on the television, charged my phone, checked emails. For a moment, I felt somewhat liberated. These things that we often take for granted have become so precious of late.. " More..