söndag 8 november 2009

Acquiring a new piece of land..

For sometime I have known that a patch of land somewhere out there in the vast fields surrounding my house was included in the purchase of the farm. With the help of a GPS, me, my sister and brother-in-law managed to find it last summer:
My little patch  was totally integrated in a huge cultivated field a long way off!
Now. Who was the owner of  the field? Who was cultivating my little piece of land? Yesterday I finally found out! By chance! It was owned by my next door neighbour!
And last night we had coffee at my house and made a deal!

So today, I got a long strip of land in flush with my little road to the left of the garden as a parcelling agreement on my field patch that he´s been using for years. It was a "handshake" deal - doing it for real would have been a time consuming and costly land registration exercise.
My new "land" has cherry trees and was earlier used for growing potatoes.
After serving some homebaked cookies (and a sherry!) he agreed in addition to plow the ground for me in spring! :-)
So now I know where I will start my new vegetable garden in the spring!

Happy, happy!!
I will have tomatoes, and carrots and cabbage and beans and...