söndag 25 december 2011

Our Christmas eve..

A traditional Swedish Christmas at Gotland.

The old fashioned kitchen.
The dining room
A beautiful tree..
The Gustavian parlor decked up for glögg or gluhwine! And the gingerbread house.

A beautiful tree..
Polly under the table with all the goodies having a hard time keeping her hungry lusts at bay!
Well, she soon got her share too!

lördag 24 december 2011

God Jul och Gott Nytt År
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Joyeux Noël et une Heureuse Anné 201

fredag 16 december 2011

Twinkle twinkle..

Stella, my sister´s darling grandchild sings "Twinkle,twinkle little star" in Swedish.
Filmed by her mother Stephanie!
I say only one word: PRICELESS!

onsdag 14 december 2011

Computer graffiti

Christmas morning
Facebook has a graffiti program sooo great to use.
Here are a few
pieces I made on the computer in this program (when I did not have the energy to bring out the brushes..) Great fun!

Cap Ferrat
The dollhouse´s new easy chair
"He lived in the shadows, boozed a lot-but oh, so exciting!"
No more..
Sandhamn, the Stockholm archipelagoThe peaceful moon over the endless waters

tisdag 13 december 2011

The 13th of December..

..is the day of Santa Lucia in Sweden. An old tradition during the darkest period of the year in Scandinavia. It was a nice day, the Lucia day with still no snow in my part of Sweden.
So we deceided to take a tour with pony Hälge - darned with his jinglebells - in the chariot.
Here we are next to my house. Hälge is an extemely eccentric pony with a will of his own. I love his glare when he peeks at you with his naughty pony eyes: one is dark brown and the other clear blue!
Happy Lucia to you all!