söndag 30 november 2008

Mmmmm. Julbordet dignar av godis! All the goodies of the season!

Too deep into the candy jar! But mmmm...
The December festivities are lining up..
Oh how we love that sugar coated jelly bean..

I found those pix on: Do you like lips?

Have a look. It is French. And worth a detour!
Here you will also find photographer Terry Richardson´s "thumbed down" Vogue Calendar 2009
(Source: ViaComIT)

1:a advent på Lugnet, Lummelunda..

..med grannar från trakten..
Här kommer ljuvliga Julia - som också bor på Lugnet - iklädd sin finaste tomtenissaklänning..

Några kom direkt från en underbar julkonsert i närbelägna Stenkyrka kyrka..
Adventsbordet uppdukat i köket..
1:a adventsskymmning med enbart stämningsfulla levande ljus firas i stora salongen på Lugnets gård..

And so I left..

..Sandhamn very early yesterday morning. I said "Goodbye" to my house, pulled the torch with the strap over on my head, loaded the heavy suitecase onto my bike and rode through the pitch dark woods to the little village and waited for the boat to the mainland. Daylight did not even think of growing. The ferry arrived on time, like a minor hotel at sea, fully lit and cosy, smelling of freshly brewed coffee. Only a handful of people embarked with me. The ferry pulled out from the jetty and soon my little island with its small village with the tiny lights from the old, typical archipelago dwellings disappeared in the dark. A few stars were out to bid farewell, the sea was unusually calm and friendly and the numerous light houses were playing peek-a-boo behind the skerries.
"Good bye Sandhamn" I said quietly standing outdoors in the night breeze.
"I am off to settle on another island. "...
I felt like being a bit unfaithful and was running away from a very long marriage that had become a bit too teadious and boaring..