söndag 16 augusti 2009

Harvest time is drawing closer..

..in my garden..
Saturday morning. The weather is beautiful and crisp after a night of almost tropical rainfall..
The wind is gently rocking some apples in the hammock.
The 100-year old garden holds many different varieties of apples.
And two kinds of pear trees..
The morning light filtering through the fruit trees..
The grape wine.I have now learned how to prune them. Quite an exciting new experience! I have never been a wine grower before inspite of having had a lot of good wines in my days! Imagine making your own wine! (How important it is to have dreams and goals! And not to have to think about the approaching swine flu that the media is painting such horrifying portraits of these days of the starting of the new school semester. Meanwhile, I´ll be busy gulping some lovely Ecological Cabernet Sauvignon from South Africa. Ha! A swineflu antidote for gods and alike?)
A kind of Hydragea, I think this is. I tried to bring some into the house the other day - but they immediately bowed down in a sad state and signalled that they rather preferred the outdoors in lieu of my vase..
Roses, coming to an end of the season..
..and hazelnuts in the making..