fredag 6 mars 2009

Jitterbug cookies!

Close by my old school downtown Stockholm is an old café called Kjellsons. It was here we met a long time ago at the lunch breaks on days when the school food of the day was more awful than usual. At Kjellsons in those days we could have a smoke, a cup of coffee and - when in good financial dispositions - we ordered a "Jitterbug cookie"! This little treat was made of a lovely combination of puffpaste and meringue. Mmmmm. Whenever I find it in some small family run bakery today - which is rarely - I go berserk! Today i manaed to find theJitterbug recipe - in Swedish - and will have a go at it.
This (below) is the only picture I could find of
the legendary "Kjellsons Café" which opened in the 1920´s and is now transformed into a resturant. Kjellsons was the natural meeting place in Stockholm in the 50´sand 60´s and the expression
" See you at Kjellsons" was well known to the Stockholm schoolkids. A home away from home! It was a true forerunner for the Café Culture existing massively in the capital today.
I sometimes go there for nostalgic reasons and have a bite in the resturant. "God god!" I think to myself. "If those walls could talk.." And when I ask for jitterbugs there are none anymore. I will have to make some at home with a cup of coffee and travel down memory lane once more to the sweet days of youth and eternal sunshine when a "latte" was a totally unknown concept and a jitterbug was not!
Thank you Paivi for the bun-and-cookie inspiration. Read about her school café and favourite creamy bun here.
Here is the Jitterbug recipe in Swedish for the Swedish blog readers
(apologize for nor having translated - time was too short today):

ca 40 st
Ugn först 200° sedan 175°
5 dl vetemjöl
200 g margarin
1 dl strösocker
2 tsk vaniljsocker
2 äggvitor
½ dl strösocker
Mät upp mjöl och socker och hacka snabbt ihop (använd gärna matberedare) till en slät deg, med smöret skuret i tärningar.
Dela i två delar och lägg kallt en stund.
Vispa vitorna till mycket hårt skum i absolut ren skål. Tillsätt sockret och vispa i några minuter till.
Kavla ut degen mellan bakplåtspapper till 20x30 cm och lyft bort översta pappret.
Bred marängen över och rulla ihop från långsidorna, vira pappret om och lägg kallt 30 minuter (eller i frysen 10-15 minuter).
Skär varje längd i 20 bitar och ställ på plåt med bakplåtspapper.
Grädda strax under mitten, på 200° i 5 minuter, sänk sedan värmen till 175° och grädda ytterligare 9-10 minuter tills kakorna fått fin färg.