Something´s failed as to the access to my blog lately. It s been driving my almost crazy not to be able to log in. It´s been quite frustrating and the feeling has been that of a squash ball bouncing to and fro between the walls..user names..user accounts, upload new versions, check mails för temporary shutdowns etc.
So I almost gave up and decided that I was done with blogging. And THEN!! Oh! I saw the LIGHT! Halleluja! I found the passwords to log into the new mail, that gave me the new passwords to the accounts that gave me new user names to the blog...and on and on
So I will just test publish for the moment this favorite photo of mine (from the archipelago outside Sandhamn that I took some years ago) that kind of brings me distance and harmony! Quite needed after this debacle!
So this is just: TESTING, TESTING --no yet over and out..
I will now raise from the computer and step out into the beautiful garden (it is still cold here like November!) and breathe the crisp air and the strong smells from all the lilacs and stop thinking "cyber!" for a while..
And to you dear blog followers..thanks for your patience.
Well this calls for this one : ( Like my old friend Tore Z used to say when things occationally got out of hand)
Ahh, finally du löste det! Så skönt och GRATTIS! P