Greetings from my Gotland garden (at 6.30 AM, Tuesday) foaming with cow parsley!The first rays of this splendid day are filtering through the canopies of the old oaks.
The smells from a numer of different kinds of lilacs are heavy..
So is the sweet fragrance of the cow parsley. The cockoo is repeating its promising chants in a distance.
With no neighbours I feel free to stroll in my nightie with my camera at this early hour..
Fragrances, fragrances, fragrances..
"Here comes the sun.."
Wood cranebills are promoting the upcoming midsummer! In Swedish they are called Midsummer flowers.
”The natives were jovial, courteous and humane.” In 1741, Carl Linnæus visited Gotland:
Carl von Linné
Yesterday, I had a chance to enter a very old house, situated on my neighbour´s grounds close to their beautiful Gotland farm at Nygranne, Gotland.
No one really knows when it was built but a guess is during the end of the 17th century. Very few interventions have been undertaken as to resturation measures - proving the quality of the materials and the methods of the old days..
Layers uopn layers of old wallpapers depicts the trends (and economy) through the years.... The building used to house an inn with lodgings a sort of half-way-hostel 1,5 kms from Visby for travellers heading towards Gotland´s northern coast.
The entrance door..
The tavern..
The surroundings.. Now, one of the historically interesting parts around this old inn is that Carl von Linné- the Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature - once made a stop here for the night. He was en route on his famous botanical trip to northern Gotland. And he spent the night here on the upper floor of this building. And most probably some food and a "Gotlandsdricku" (see video below on the traditional brewing in Gotland. Swedish only) in the tavern downstairs.. Carl von Linné, Alexander Roslin, 1775. Oil painting in the portrait collection at Gripsholm Castle.
Carl von Linné is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the father of modern ecology. It is said that he was dead tired upon arrival after having spent some 14 hours on horseback from Visby; the principal town of Gotland. Actually, he spent some time by my garden too. There is a sign by my fence about his explorations here of the impressive biodiversity of this area. (The one I´m priviledged to enjoy every day - especially now in the month of May!) More on Carl von Linné..
God Grief how complicated! In May 1741, ten days after he was appointed Professor, he undertook an expedition to the island provinces of Öland and Gotland with six students from the university, to look for plants useful in medicine. First, they travelled to Öland and stayed there until 21 June, when they sailed to Visby in Gotland. Linnaeus and the students stayed on Gotland for about a month, and then returned to Uppsala. During this expedition, they found 100 previously unrecorded plants. The observations from the expedition were later published in Öländska och Gothländska Resa, written in Swedish. Like Flora Lapponica, it contained both zoological and botanical observations, as well as observations concerning the culture in Öland and Gotland. And finally, as a curiosity: In this book he made a note about the living conditions of Gotland farmers as being: "Good, orderly and well-arranged".
..and a dear childhood friend (with whom I haven´t had any contact with for some 30 years) called me the other day to inform me that one of my paintings from 1961 was now hanging on his wall. (I hade given the painting to his mother long ago and he had now inherited it) It´s a rather large painting and one I hardly remember. He was kind to send a photo and here she is the lady-with-the-golden-locks! A premonition of the upcoming psychedelic era? He said he was quite fond of it! Can you belive it?!!
Having been away for a week from Gotland, I returned to my garden yesterday. This paradise garden with its many seasonal faces never ceases to amaze me! Summer is just about to explode and the fruit trees are all in bloom. So I went into my haven with the camera just before supper and had to share.. (Just hate to have to travel and leave this timeof year but alas! sometimes you just have too)
All the blackbirds that I had fed through the harsh winter were singing happily and my almost tame phesant was proudly strolling around in his sparkling outfit..(he refuses to get within range of my camera though..)
There are plenty of orchids in the garden and the amount is increasing after the clearing of some trees and bushes last fall.
Soon the rapeseed field in the back will be full of poppies - a sign of ecological agriculture, I guess.
My small veggie garden where I planted Jerusalem artichokes and tomatoes today.
The old cherry tree that almost reaches into my bedroom on the upper floor must be almost 100-years old. It´s time in bloom is very short - just a week or so.I enjoy every minute of it and you can easily see it is hard to leave this little paradise this time of year..
My only neighbour here in Gotland is an old but vital farmer whose mother was the sister of one my predecessors in the house I bought. They are all cousins and and related one way or the other here in the parish where I live.
Getting to know them is getting gradually to know my old house´s history. Yesterday Rolf payed a visit and having often played in the house as a child, he felt quite at home and stormed into my small bath room and exclaimed "Aha!" "Do you know why it is so small in here? Do you know what is in the area behind the wall?" No I didn´t for sure.. "When they decided to renovate the old bathroom and to get rid of the old bathtub, it turned out that there was no way to get it out without breaking a wall or two.." So they simply tilted the tub and built a wall to cover it! So now I know. I have a big stand-up bathtub built into the wall between the livingroom and the bathroom! Great! The things you find out..
Anyway, my neighbour came by the other day and tilled and ploughed and harrowed a strip of land for me. So I have now ordered maize seeds and now dream of maize of the "Sweet Nugget" kind! Keep your finger crossed I will succeed! Please.
I haven´t grown any maize since my African years. But then again, then you relied on a lot of help from experienced gardeners. I remember so well in Tanzania the way my gardener repeated:"Mbili, mbili" while sowing and planting, which meant "Two, two" at the same time. (If one seedling should die or not succeed.) So I will surely hum "mbili, mbili" when planting. And maybe a little of my favourite Malalaika-tune in Swahilii too:
Journalist/information officer/publicist - however writing will often have to yield to photography, painting and other creative work. I live in an old farmhouse in Gotland, (indeed a challenging renovation task!)the large picturesque island in the Baltic and in Sandhamn - the sailing centre of Sweden - situated in the Stockholm archipelago. Obviously "an island person" who fish and I was almost born in a boat. Lived in Africa for some 8 years - and for some years in the US in the 60s.. Travel a lot to countries afar. Worked internationally mainly with development, human rigts and refugee questions. Started an interior decoration shop/workroom in Saltsjöbaden outside Stockholm and run it for 12 years.
”When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.” — Winston Churchill
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
99% of the photos in this blog are from my personal collection. If a photo is not mine you will find a link under the photo to whom it belongs to. I use one camera: Canon ixus 860 IS
I was born close to the sea..
..grew up in boats..
Mimi siwezi kusema kimasaii!
..and grew older in Africa..
..and would have loved to stop growing older right here!
Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. – Chinese Proverb
Salon International de l'Agriculture & Flow
Last day of the *Salon.* I’m posting this on site. Chickens 🐓 & cows 🐄
are clucking & mooing in the background. It’s a tape to put us in a farmy
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
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late – ...
Fantasie Suite
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*Pascal's Law Equation*
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a barometer to explain his theory of the Equilibrium of F...
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extraordinary d...
My Garden 2018
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just a few to give some idea of how the year has progressed
Things start to per...
Something Old, Something New
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Instagram is a place where I weave together a lifestyle focused on food,
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[image: Lisa Porter Instagram]
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The Backyard Feminist
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Hemgjord flytande gödning
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Det senaste är kallt nässelte. Jag torkar ca 60 liter nässlor varje år.
Marrakesh: and a tale of an end and a new beginning
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little blog. My Marrakesh has moved homes! Please find me here in my new,
swanky digs...
Som jag har längtat!
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nog tyc...
The Promise of Summer
This morning I woke up and it was beautiful, warm enough to wander round my
freshly mowed garden in my robe and set the table for an alfresco
A Prada Pastiche
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— displa...
Gustaf V signerar stenen utanför klubbhuset, Sandhamn 1930
Paul Isberg, min farfar i mitten, ser leende på..
Grönskärs fyr. Pastell efter gammalt foto. Pia Ehrenpreis
Skulle Sandhamn ha en egen flagga skulle den kanske se ut så här!
Sandhamn för länge sen..
Les Moules
Marint collage
Inloppet, Sandhamn
Brandskärgården utanför Sandhamn
The heroes of youth..
Paris. Belmondo & Seberg i "Till sista andetaget"
Klart källvatten.. Zimbabwe i högländerna mot Mozambique.
Crocodile river, South Africa. "A tender sniff.. Giant crocks lurking in river below.."
Heading for Ngumba Island, Lake Victoria
Ngumba Island, Victoriasjön
Afrikafoton: Pia Ehrenpreis
My Blog Award
The tastes of Italy..
Dofterna, fröjderna för ögat och för gommen. Jag älskar Italien - som så många andra - och försöker komma dit så ofta jag kan. Denna gång blev det Toscana och Umbrien. Samt några dagar vid Medelhavet- inkl.ett dopp faktiskt! (april) - vid Marina di Pisa samt tågresa till Pietra Santa med sin vita marmor och sina skulptörer och konstnärer.