..here is the link to the video on the improved map on the H1N1 swine flu current and future evolution..
torsdag 30 april 2009
onsdag 29 april 2009
måndag 27 april 2009
söndag 26 april 2009
The cuddling..
in the meadows of the nearby church with Mats who arrived in his golf car, Nena who rode in barebacked on Shanghai from their neighbouring farm "Lugnet" and Paivi who came in the day before from the mainland by plane. The 12 year old gelding Shanghai participated eagerly in the party. My barns can bee sigted in the background. This large meadow will be full of rare orchids in a few weeks and I am priviledged to be its next door - and only - neighbour..
lördag 25 april 2009
The yellow garden..
torsdag 23 april 2009
As time goes by..
onsdag 22 april 2009
Från riskkapital till riskakor..
Ligger helt visst ännu större svackor på lur;
Och i Sverige står en säker inflationsbrasa på tur.
En minskande efterfrågan på kapital för seriösa projekt
ger priset på kulor en realisationsmässig effekt.
Fiffigt kamouflerat med sänkning av priset på prylar vi inte behöver
Medan bankerna överskrider sina befogenheter vad det gäller våra klöver
Och Riksbankens enda uppgift är ju att hålla inflationen nere,
men så här kan ju en annan se re:
"Nu slänger dom alltså in den allra sista indränkta trasan..
Ska vi nu stillatigande kolla in vad som händer med själva brasan?
Man önskar numer allt oftare att bonusmaffian skulle få smaka
på sin egen hopbakade riskkaka..
tisdag 21 april 2009
A complete makeover..
The sound of the jet thing was unbearable and I had to flee to make errands in Visby, 17 kms away. I am now praying that the weather will be fine over the weekend when they hope to turn up for the repaint. This will be a true makeover for my 100-year old house in its spring beautification programme scheme - because she is worth it!
(And I will surely not be able to afford a single lipstick for my own "spring beautification scheme" after this budget bang! But who cares, anyway... )
måndag 20 april 2009
Breakfast at the beach..
And especially this time of the morning!
onsdag 15 april 2009
Gotland is a large island..
..measuring some180 kms from the northern tip to the south. Today we drove som 200 kms from Stenkyrka with friends from a big farm in Vale in the north to Rone in the south to have lunch with old friends from Saltsjöbaden - Kerstin and Peter. They bought their Gotland house in the 90´s and put quite some efforts into its renovation and decoration:
måndag 13 april 2009
My recent contribution has been to plant 2 hops by one of the entrances and 20 old fashioned rose plants -the Rosa Rubiosa - to form a bushy hedge against the church next door. The rich soil here is so easy to work - compared to the one on Sandhamn where I grew up with its hopelessly thin and sandy stratum of earth. And the back aching rather came from collecting kelp at the beach for composting to get a bit of humus for planting the following year..
lördag 11 april 2009
I wouldn´t know a better way..
So I guess the auction will be crowded and prices will raise.Well..
Anyway, it is a great opportunity to do a bit of "island mingling" and meet great people and to enjoy the homebaked cakes in the little homely cafeteria!
(Pictures: Smågårde auctions)
fredag 10 april 2009
onsdag 8 april 2009
Sorry for..
tisdag 7 april 2009
He has now turned 35! My beloved son-in-law! Whom I have actually known since he was 9 months old and came to visit us with his parents in Arusha, Tanzania where we lived for a year. . I still have a Super 8 movie I shot of my daughter Lina and Pontus in the Ngorongoro Crater way back when they were toddlers among the lions, buffaloes, elephants and giraffes. Those were the days in the 70s when wildlife was still abundant in these areas.. Lina and Pontus celebrated his 35th birthday in lovely, springlike Mallorca at Deja on a veritable culinary spree..Well done! And bienvenue to Gotland on Thursday! And we will do "hip, hip hurray" for you!
Majorcain treats for a 35-year old....
La Residencia, Deja
A view of a calm and blue Mediterrainean sea - like custom made for a romantic birthday..
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